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HevyD Posts: 72 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 1 - Posted on 4/13/2018 15:15:28

After the last humble monthly I went to import the games I got into the completionator using the steam bulk import. It pops up with the loading bar, then disappears and the "start" button is grayed out.

Anyone else experiencing this?

I've tested this on both Chrome and Firefox.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1966 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 2 - Posted on 4/13/2018 17:45:22

It's working for me right now. Just tested it.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6876 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3 - Posted on 4/13/2018 18:07:04

I looked into this one and you're not the only one that's been having issues with it. It's working fine for me and others, such as @dhobo, but something was amiss. I started debugging the issue and basically when I make the call to get your games, it's returning nothing. I sort of assume that I'm going to receive something by that point in the code since I've authenticated to the API and received a successful response. The problem is, the response is empty and that breaks what I try to do with it. So I started digging into why exactly it's not returning anything for only a subset of users.

And what I found out is that Steam rolled out new privacy options for users just the other day:

Not only did this break the import here, it broke the mighty SteamSpy and probably countless other sites / services.

I'm assuming it works for me since I own the API key and @dhobo is a Steam friend and the new settings default to friends only (I think), so that would explain why his works. Others could've updated their privacy settings already. This has sort of blind-sided me, so I hope I'm posting accurate information, but this is what I've gathered up to this point.

In the short-term, I'm going to update the instructions around using the Steam import and gracefully handle the issue that's currently happening. All I can do is return the generic "unable to retrieve your games" message, but at least it's better than it appearing to just not work at all. If you want to use it, you should be able to update your privacy settings to allow your games list to be public. If you update yours and still have issues, let me know...but I think this is the issue.

And just as a test, my profile is still set to friends only, so if you click this link, you shouldn't see any results, even though it would've worked just a few days ago:

Post Edited on 4/13/2018 18:07:33
HevyD Posts: 72 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 4 - Posted on 4/13/2018 18:47:40

What's amazing to me is that I knew about the privacy options and the steam spy thing and didn't connect the dots here. I'm not slipping gracefully into old age.

Thanks for looking at this moho, and contributing dhobo.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1966 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 5 - Posted on 4/13/2018 19:52:14

Interesting, while I was out grocery shopping I wondered if it could have had anything to do with the new policy due to the EU laws being put in place regarding privacy. Gonna impact a lot of people and services outside of just SteamSpy, I think.

MrHToast Posts: 4 Registered: 4/11/2018
# 6 - Posted on 4/14/2018 9:46:38

For me it shows the games I own and when I click "Finish Import" and it freeze. But maybe bause I have like 7K games on Steam. :D I think this is the reason.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6876 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 4/14/2018 19:56:43

@MrHToast - You're correct, that's a separate issue I made a change though, so it should work for you now, but let me know if you're still having trouble with it.

MrHToast Posts: 4 Registered: 4/11/2018
# 8 - Posted on 4/14/2018 21:31:32

@moho_00 hahah now working. :D 103 not found. All other are there.