stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 229 - Posted on 9/1/2020 21:51:12

Risk of Rain 2 for Xbox One -
Wargroove for PS4 -
Wargroove is listed as "Wargroove Deluxe Edition" on pricecharting. Not sure if that matters...

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 230 - Posted on 9/4/2020 22:59:39

Not sure if this is the right place, or the “Incorrect Game Data” thread, but I don’t think the pricing for the special edition of The Conduit is showing up correctly. When I change my copy from “standard” to “Special Edition” the price stays the same (the standard price). Pricecharting has a separate entry for it:

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 231 - Posted on 9/11/2020 22:47:09

@stufio - These should all be fixed up now (some have been for a while, just forgot to post ). I ended up using our "Edition" field to denote the Wargroove release.

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 232 - Posted on 9/17/2020 18:37:33

Again, I'm not sure if this is where I should post incorrect pricing data or not, but I own Mortal Kombat Deception Kollector's Edition for Xbox (there were 4 versions, I own the Mileena one) and the pricing is only showing the standard edition. Here are the 4 versions -

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 233 - Posted on 9/23/2020 16:25:46

@stufio - This should be corrected now. Please check and advise.

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 234 - Posted on 9/23/2020 20:15:45

@elko84, looks like it worked! On a side note, I've had a question about editions. Sometimes, you can start typing in the Edition field and it will show a particular edition as an option. Other times, you have to fill it in manually. If you fill it in manually, does it grab the correct data from pricecharting? Or only if it suggests an option for you?

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 235 - Posted on 9/24/2020 0:35:53

@stufio - If an option shows up in the Edition field, that means that particular edition data had been entered. If you see no options, then the data hasn't been entered yet. All data on the site is manually entered by the curators. So, you can type the edition you have if there is no option, but then there will not be any pricecharting data for that particular edition. You would need to come to this thread like you did and then one of the curators can come and address it for you. Once the data is entered it should automatically correct itself in your collection (granted the edition you typed matches what was entered by the curator). Thanks.

Post Edited on 9/24/2020 0:37:47
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 236 - Posted on 9/24/2020 0:44:26

The Edition autocomplete is driven off of the releases that have been entered. So basically the edition text that shows up on the Releases tab on the Game Details page should show up in the autocomplete dropdown. The aforementioned Mortal Kombat: Deception is a great example since it has a bunch of different releases / editions:

It's not clearly distinguished here, but generally speaking, anything in parentheses is the "edition" text, for example, "Kollector's Edition (Raiden)". Now that I'm looking at this, I think edition should probably be called out a little more since it's possible (though not common) for a game to use parentheses in its actual name. I might need to put the edition in a gray font and / or italicize it. Anyways, sorry, getting sidetracked

Okay, so the edition you see there is what handles the autocomplete, but that alone won't hook it up to a VGPC entry. This is a manual step because VGPC doesn't always use the same format that we do, especially when you go beyond the standard stuff like "Greatest Hits", "Collector's Edition", etc (plus sometimes they use brackets around the editions and sometimes they don't). But the key here is we match the text exactly so if the release info says "Kollector's Edition (Raiden)", then we have to find the corresponding VGPC entry and make sure we set the text the same. And there you have it, the magic for making editions work with VGPC

Of course, this isn't always configured initially (especially when games don't have a physical release out of the gate) and even then, sometimes some extra VGPC wrangling is required (which I think is what happened with MK: Deception). And sometimes VGPC just doesn't have the data when we first configure a game, especially when dealing with editions.

Post Edited on 9/24/2020 0:45:59
stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 237 - Posted on 10/14/2020 19:45:11

Mafia Definitive Edition for Xbox One -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 238 - Posted on 10/14/2020 21:45:07

@stufio - That one should be fixed now!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 239 - Posted on 12/3/2020 5:13:05

Close to the Sun for Xbox One -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 240 - Posted on 12/5/2020 15:15:09

@stufio - That one should be fixed now!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 241 - Posted on 12/16/2020 22:03:35

Daymare 1998 for PS4 -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 242 - Posted on 12/16/2020 22:12:53

@stufio - That one should be fixed now!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 243 - Posted on 12/25/2020 17:42:05

Mario Kart Live Home Circuit for Nintendo Switch
There is a Mario version and a Luigi version. It looks like there is only one listing in the database. Not sure if this is one of those "edition" situations or not.
Paper Mario The Origami King for Nintendo Switch -
Oddworld New 'n' Tasty for Nintendo Switch -

Post Edited on 12/25/2020 17:42:57
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 244 - Posted on 1/5/2021 3:28:51

@stufio - Paper Mario and Oddworld should be fixed up now. As for Mario Kart, it seems like we would want two entries for this one. How does it work? Is there a game you have to download from the eShop? Does it only work if you buy one of the two sets?

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 245 - Posted on 1/5/2021 14:56:49

@moho_00 it is a digital download for the game, but there are physical RC cars and cardboard gates that you use to set up a course in your living room. So, while there is no physical game, there are physical carts that you must own to play the game. There is a Mario version and a Luigi version, so I would also assume you’d want two entries for it. Thanks.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 246 - Posted on 1/8/2021 12:51:56

Ah, okay, that's what I was thinking. There's some software you download and then it interacts with the physical components. I agree that we need two entries for the two physical boxes. What I'm wondering though is, should we have a third entry that's just for the software component? I'm assuming it doesn't do anything unless you have the physical components, but the same could be said for say Duck Hunt if you don't have a Zapper

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 247 - Posted on 1/8/2021 19:39:22

Hmm, that's a good question. I know that you MUST have the physical carts if you want to utilize the free software, but there's nothing stopping you from downloading the free software if you DON'T have the physical carts...

Post Edited on 1/8/2021 19:39:52
stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 248 - Posted on 1/16/2021 23:41:30

Did we figure out what to do with the Mario Kart Live entry?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 249 - Posted on 1/18/2021 2:39:53

I ended up going with a separate entry from the software and then loaded two different "sets" for Mario and Luigi. Anyone who had a physical copy of Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit in their collection had them moved over to one of the two sets (by default, Mario, unless the edition specified Luigi). If anyone can scan or otherwise provide a better cover for the physical sets, please let me know. Nintendo just looooves to do those angled box arts that don't match our preference at all

w00tzorz656 Backer Posts: 56 Registered: 10/22/2020
# 250 - Posted on 1/23/2021 19:32:39

I see that you don't have a cover for the Super Odyssey (Starter Pack) for the Nintendo Switch.

It should look something like this:


stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 251 - Posted on 1/26/2021 18:31:47

Sayonara Wild Hearts for PS4 -

w00tzorz656 Backer Posts: 56 Registered: 10/22/2020
# 252 - Posted on 1/26/2021 19:19:40

Cat Quest 1 (Not the pawsome pack version) actually has a physical edition.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 6970 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 253 - Posted on 2/2/2021 12:47:00

Those should all be fixed up now!