stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 104 - Posted on 2/27/2018 3:53:58


Thanks for your response. I suppose the main thing is that you guys are aware that these issues are out there. I'm sure you'll figure out the best way to deal with it :)

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 105 - Posted on 3/17/2018 20:29:31

F.E.A.R. for Xbox 360 -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 106 - Posted on 3/17/2018 20:41:27

@stufio - That one should be fixed!

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 107 - Posted on 3/27/2018 21:28:32

Here are my physical games without price data: (I understand some of these are new games and there just might not be enough sales data yet)

Gameboy Advance:

Classic Nes Series: Castlevania (Also, the price for the Classic NES Series Metroid seems to be attached to just Metroid)

Sega Genesis:

Beggar Prince
Devilish: The Next Possession
Star Odyssey

Nintendo 3DS:

Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology

Nintendo Switch:

Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition
Cave Story +
Rocket League Collector's Edition
Sine Mora EX
Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Collector's Edition)

Playstation 4:

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (Steelbook)
Ni No Kuni II Revenant Kingdom (Collector's Edition; Also only came out like a few days ago)
Secret of Mana
Yakuza Kiwami (Steelbook)

Playstation Portable:

Ys I & II Chronicles (Premium Edition)

Playstation Vita: (Note all of these are Limited Run games)

Croixleur Sigma
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Sky Force Anniversary
Ys Origin (Collector's Edition)


Rodea The Sky Soldier (originally came bundled with the Wii U version, may not be price data on just the Wii version)

Wii U:

Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival (although having no value is probably pretty close to the truth)

Thanks for everything you do, I recommend this site to any collectors I meet!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 108 - Posted on 3/29/2018 21:19:19

@lordclyde - Sorry for the delay, I meant to post the other day, but ran out of time. I was able to take care of most of these, but had a few notes:

  • Rodea: The Sky Soldier - As you suspected, there doesn't appear to be a corresponding VGPC entry for the Wii version.
  • Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - We have the base game mapped, but the bundle wasn't in the last batch of VGPC data I downloaded (they have since added an entry for it).
  • Ni No Kuni II - This one will be picked up in the next VGPC data load.

You may already know this, but for the various "editions" that you have listed, you'll need to enter the text when editing the game in your collection. You should see an autocomplete thingy to help you pick the correct one. Those come more or less directly from VGPC since I try to use their same naming convention. Let me know if you have any trouble or see anything that's still missing (other than the above)!

And always glad to hear when others enjoy and recommend the site! I hope you find it to be a helpful tool

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 109 - Posted on 3/30/2018 16:03:03

Oh my lord, I just discovered where the new value is displayed, finally. Get ready to be annoyed! I've confirmed that all of these have data on VGPC.

Chrom Amiibo
Falco Amiibo
Robotron: 2084 (Atari 7800)
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA)
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA)
Triple Action (Intellivision)
The Walking Dead (goes by The Walking Dead: The Game on VGPC) PS3
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (PS3)

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 110 - Posted on 3/30/2018 17:23:24

Also, is there any sort of contingency plan for the values of PC games? VGPC doesn't seem to give a crap about PC. for crying out loud, that site doesn't list Diablo or Command & Conquer. Maybe we could use the average Amazon sale price?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 111 - Posted on 4/1/2018 15:32:56

@jkersey450 - It looks like Chrom was recently added to VGPC since it's not showing up in the data I have. I'll get it with the next data load. Some of the others were already mapped and Falco is one of the ones that doesn't have a value for "complete" condition, which means it will show up empty here. I still haven't decided if it makes sense to "fall back" to the next level down, in this case the "loose" price. I'm not sure what's going on with the two GBA games though, I will have to look into that further.

As for PC games, it's not something that's really on my list at the moment. The nice thing about using something like VGPC is that I don't have to write something to (intelligently) scrape data, I just need to map it to their stuff. They completely dropped support for PC a while back, which kinda sucked since I had mapped a bunch of data, but ultimately they said there just wasn't enough interest to keep up with it.

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 112 - Posted on 5/5/2018 5:36:40

Some new ones:

Shantae and the Pirates Curse (3DS)

Caladrius Blaze (PS4)

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 113 - Posted on 5/5/2018 12:08:51

@lordclyde - Those should be fixed now!

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 114 - Posted on 5/16/2018 16:15:28

Legend of Wukong (Genesis)
Star Odyssey (Genesis; may just be that not enough sell in a month to get accurate data?)
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (PSP)

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 115 - Posted on 5/16/2018 16:23:27

Added VGPC links for Legend of Wukong and Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology!

Yeah, there's nothing via VPGC for Blue Almanac/Star Odyssey unfortunately :/

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 116 - Posted on 5/29/2018 17:26:35

The Adventures of Batman and Robin for SNES -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 117 - Posted on 5/30/2018 1:18:12

@stufio - That one has been mapped!

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 118 - Posted on 5/30/2018 18:29:44

The Operative: NoOne Lives Forever for PS2

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 119 - Posted on 5/30/2018 18:42:23

@moho_00 - Looks like we could use a cleanup on the NOLF games. There's an entry for NOLF, and then a separate entry for The Operative: NOLF, which are the same game. Guessing it was back when entries were created based on different box art.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 120 - Posted on 5/30/2018 22:45:19

This is an interesting one since it looks like the PS2 port has some content changes, such as additional levels, extra gadgets, different music, and no multiplayer. I'm not too familiar with it though, but I loved the PC version

For the time-being, I've moved the VGPC mapping over to The Operative: NOLF, so prices should start showing up in collections now. I'll re-map if we decide to collapse the entries.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 121 - Posted on 6/1/2018 23:47:06

@everyone - I loaded in some new VGPC data today! As always, let me know if you see anything weird or find anything missing.

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 122 - Posted on 6/10/2018 9:56:31

A couple PS4 games:

2064: Read Only Memories
Resident Evil Revelations

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 123 - Posted on 6/11/2018 1:01:15

@lordclyde - Those should be fixed up now!

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 124 - Posted on 6/20/2018 3:08:56

Here's some more:

Brothers A Tale of Two Sons - PS4
Fallout 4 - PS4
Furi - PS4
Nex Machina - PS4
Oxenfree - PS4
Shantae Risky's Revenge Director's Cut - PS4

Fantasy Zone II - Master System

Broken Age - Vita
Child of Light - Vita
La-Mulana EX - Vita
Mutant Mudds Deluxe - Vita
Steins; Gate 0 - Vita
Undertale - Vita

Gears of War 4 - Xbox One
Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition - Xbox One

Some imports:

Lost Sphear - Switch
I am Setsuna - Switch
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Fortune - PS4
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Venus - Vita

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 125 - Posted on 6/21/2018 1:17:35

@lordclyde - All of those should be fixed up now, except for the imports. I know VGPC has some imports, but not all, unfortunately. If they start tracking them more, I might revisit the integration here to pull them in.

Noxie Curator Posts: 41 Registered: 6/20/2018
# 126 - Posted on 6/29/2018 14:48:24

Hi, I found a few from my collection:

Ar nosurge Plus Limited Edition (Vita)
Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Limited Edition (Vita)
Atelier Firis (PS4)
Atelier Lydie & Suelle (Switch and PS4)
Atelier Lydie & Suelle Limited Edition (Switch and PS4)
Atelier Shallie Plus Limited Edition (Vita)
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood (PS4)

Thank you!

Post Edited on 6/29/2018 14:53:04
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7073 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 127 - Posted on 6/29/2018 20:38:54

@Noxie - Those should all be fixed now!

lordclyde Curator Backer Posts: 42 Registered: 9/7/2017
# 128 - Posted on 7/3/2018 1:58:10

A few more:

Croixleur Sigma - Vita
Revenant Saga - Vita
Sky Force Anniversary - Vita

Note: All three Vita games also have simultaneous PS4 releases.

Momadora Reverie Under the Moonlight - PS4
Secret of Mana - PS4
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - PS4

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Redux - 3DS

Tiny Barbarian DX - Switch