Onubis Posts: 4 Registered: 5/21/2016
# 1230 - Posted on 4/16/2017 6:44:42

Cosmic Star Heroine - http://store.steampowered.com/app/256460/

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1231 - Posted on 4/16/2017 12:44:23

Got another one referenced with two different titles on same site.
Endless Space: Emporer Edition http://store.steampowered.com/app/208140/

The developer gave it this name, yet Steam simply calls it the Endless Space Collection. Oh well. Its Endless Space and Endless Space: Disharmony in one package.

Post Edited on 4/16/2017 12:45:07
RetroSessions Posts: 15 Registered: 4/12/2017
# 1232 - Posted on 4/16/2017 18:43:54

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger Limited Edition (PS3)


moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1233 - Posted on 4/17/2017 0:14:43

@romando and @Onubis - Those have been added!

@Brunauss - I added Endless Space: Disharmony, but I'm not sure what else to do since it's (as you suggested) the same situation as Alien Rage (and others). I don't want to "break" the Steam import functionality, so I'm leaving the other entry alone for now. I can add a compilation entry, if you'd like.

@RetroSessions - The general rule for limited / collector's editions is that they do not receive separate entries as they often only include physical goodies, whereas the site hinges on actual content. There are exceptions to that rule, but that's the general idea That being said, whenever I map games to VGPC, I'm able to hook into these limited / collector's editions and if you enter the same text as the "Edition" for the game in your collection, it should pull in the appropriate value. As you start typing, you should see an autocomplete option and you'll want to select one of those to make sure you enter it exactly as it's displayed (otherwise your pricing data will fall back to the regular edition). As you've already seen, some games get things like "limited", "special", and even "collector's" edition added to their title that do warrant a separate entry. Mass Effect 3: Special Edition was the Wii U exclusive release.

romando Curator Backer Posts: 58 Registered: 3/27/2017
# 1234 - Posted on 4/17/2017 21:21:33

Featherpunk Prime - http://store.steampowered.com/app/492660/
MechRunner - http://store.steampowered.com/app/288100/

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1235 - Posted on 4/18/2017 0:37:33

I thought as much about Endless Space, but thought it couldn't hurt to run it by you guys anyway. Oh yeah, got more of course LOL

ATV GP http://store.steampowered.com/app/385460/
BattleQuiz http://store.steampowered.com/app/397800/
Campfire: One of Us Is the Killer http://store.steampowered.com/app/533180/
Duo http://store.steampowered.com/app/568200/
Football Blitz http://store.steampowered.com/app/516410/
Mankind Defender http://store.steampowered.com/app/548930/
The Lost Wizard https://norum82.itch.io/the-lost-wizard

Post Edited on 4/18/2017 0:37:55
BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 1236 - Posted on 4/18/2017 8:42:22

Found another one that is not on the site :)

Sleengster 2 - http://store.steampowered.com/app/559940/

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1237 - Posted on 4/18/2017 10:29:17

@romando, @Brunauss, @BinkieSmalls - Those have all been added!

bliptych Posts: 24 Registered: 3/23/2016
# 1238 - Posted on 4/18/2017 16:33:29

Guilty Party (Wii)


RetroSessions Posts: 15 Registered: 4/12/2017
# 1239 - Posted on 4/18/2017 19:47:58

@moho_00 Thanks for clarifying the Special/Limited/Crazy Edition stuff. Much appreciated!

romando Curator Backer Posts: 58 Registered: 3/27/2017
# 1240 - Posted on 4/18/2017 19:55:41

Ice Lakes - http://store.steampowered.com/app/393430/

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1241 - Posted on 4/18/2017 23:28:28

@bliptych and @romando - Those have been added!

romando Curator Backer Posts: 58 Registered: 3/27/2017
# 1242 - Posted on 4/19/2017 18:20:15

Would it be possible to add Goat Simulator DLCs? I thought they were considered whole new games, but in fact they are DLCs for the original game.
Goat Simulator: GoatZ - http://store.steampowered.com/app/344450/
Goat Simulator: PAYDAY - http://store.steampowered.com/app/425840/
Goat Simulator: Waste of Space - http://store.steampowered.com/app/463720/

Post Edited on 4/19/2017 18:20:51
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1243 - Posted on 4/21/2017 12:50:15

@romando - Those have been added!

merph518 Curator Posts: 192 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 1244 - Posted on 4/21/2017 20:00:17

Greets. Found the site and I'm very happy with it -- it's combining a lot of functionality that 2-3 sites serve for me now.

While importing my collection, I found some missing items.

Deus Ex GO
Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation
Final Fantasy Dimensions
Super Mario Run

Mighty Flip Champs! DX

Cabella's African Adventures
Minecraft: Story Mode - Ep. 6
Minecraft: Story Mode - Ep. 7
Minecraft: Story Mode - Ep. 8
Sword Art Online: Re:Hollow Fragment

Kamiko (This is on the Japanese eShop, but in English)

Mighty Flip Champs! DX

Abobo's Big Adventure


Post Edited on 4/21/2017 21:51:28
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1245 - Posted on 4/21/2017 22:10:48

@merph518 - Hello and welcome! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site I just added all of the games you requested (Cabela's African Adventures was already on here, but there's only one "l" in it). Let me know if you need anymore or have any feedback as you become more familiar with the site!

missmewx Curator Posts: 27 Registered: 3/23/2015
# 1246 - Posted on 4/22/2017 0:00:31

Pictopix http://store.steampowered.com/app/568320
The Wild Eternal http://store.steampowered.com/app/554810

merph518 Curator Posts: 192 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 1247 - Posted on 4/22/2017 1:17:57

@moho_00 - Awesome, thank you. And oops, I need to learn to spell apparently.

Site looks great, only one thing I noticed -- in phone/responsive on the collection screen, you seem to be omitting the game titles and relying on the graphics to identify games. I found it a little hard to read. (This was on Chrome, Android 7.x)

I just noticed one other thing as I was about to add these games to my collection. I split my screen into two panes and at one of the breakpoints you seem to lose the ability to search from the header, and I don't see it anywhere else.

The magic number seems to be 1200px. Less wide than that, no search.


Post Edited on 4/22/2017 1:20:47
HevyD Posts: 72 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 1248 - Posted on 4/22/2017 1:33:30

Hey guys, great site!

I'm almost done importing and I ran into a three games that weren't in the database yet.

Nintendo DS - Sega Casino
Nintendo DS - Napoleon Dynamite
Wii-U eShop - Earthbound Beginnings


Post Edited on 4/22/2017 19:33:39
Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 1249 - Posted on 4/22/2017 5:02:59

Hello, got a couple I think:

I can't remember how you guys handle F2P games.

Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition

Fat Princess Adventures

And I wasn't sure if you'd had a chance to get around to making Doom 3 BFG Edition into a compilation of the following:
-Doom 2
-Doom 2: Hell on Earth
-Doom 2: No Rest for the Living
-Doom 3
-Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil
-Doom 3: Lost Mission

Kazriko Backer Posts: 48 Registered: 4/22/2017
# 1250 - Posted on 4/22/2017 22:38:17

Missing the following steam games on the site,

Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom - Exists, but didn't automatically link
Thimbleweed Park -- Doesn't seem to exist.
Cosmic Star Heroine - Exists, but didn't automatically link
Dimension Drive -- Doesn't seem to exist.
Disgaea 2 PC - Exists, but didn't automatically link.
Don't Be Patchman -- Doesn't seem to exist.


Post Edited on 4/22/2017 22:56:28
Delainez Posts: 32 Registered: 8/2/2016
# 1251 - Posted on 4/22/2017 23:10:45

Could you please add Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy for PS2?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7074 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1252 - Posted on 4/23/2017 1:03:07

@missmewx - Those have been added!

@merph518 - I'm hoping to get to work on the long-awaited Collection page revamp soon and will definitely be evaluating how it works on mobile. I've received requests for game titles when on mobile and in fact, they used to be in there. It's just such a small space and some titles are crazy long. I have a few ideas on how to make it work, so we'll see :D As for the search textbox in the header, that's another issue of having too much stuff in a small space when you drop down to lower resolutions. Before I made it disappear, it would actually wrap down into the content below and it looked kinda bad. I'll take a look at it again, I'm sure I can do something.

@HevyD and @Kazriko - Welcome aboard! I've added (and mapped) all of the games you two posted. Let me know if you have anymore or any feedback!

@Nocmin - Those have all been added! I did not make Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition a compilation game since I didn't have time to sift through the DLC to find content packs (we've generally not been adding skin packs and the like), so I will need to do that at a later time. I did, however, finally fix up Doom 3: BFG Edition! I still had a task on my list, but I add tasks faster than I can complete them, so it kinda got lost in the shuffle, sorry about that! I'm glad you mentioned something though because it gives me an excuse to post my favorite emoji

@Delainez - That one has been added!

Kazriko Backer Posts: 48 Registered: 4/22/2017
# 1253 - Posted on 4/23/2017 1:37:12


thanks! I'm continuing to add games and found another one
Microbot from EA. was on PS3, and other platforms.

Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 1254 - Posted on 4/23/2017 7:32:10

Thank you. I figured it was something like that, and I understand. : )
Concerning SR4 DLC, that makes sense to me.

We are ever in appreciation of your efforts.